Quests on Ruby

1.  How to implement Array#compact shortest way

2. 22520 - the smallest number which is dividing on all number from 1 till 10 without remainders. Which number are dividing without remainders from 1 till 20?

3. The sum of all natural numbers till 10, which is dividing on 3 or 5 is 23. What is the sum all natural numbers smaller then 1000

4. a and b - arrays. Junior developer has written 
   a = a+b 
  How to refactor this code?

5. Write latest 10 digits of 1^1 + 2^2 + 3^3 ... 1000^1000

Todo. Examples of solutions


1.  a-[p]. Correct answer is a-[nil] also. But 'p' it's a puts variable and it returns nil!
2.  232792560
3.  233168
4. a |= b
5. 9110846700
